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Вопросы для D-r_Karlson
Дата: Пятница, 27.07.2018, 16:48 | Сообщение # 406
Группа: Врач
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Marriia, Здравствуйте.Вам абсолютно правильно рекомендовали обратиться к детскому врачу.Если при нефробластоме (Вильмс)имеется метастаз в легкое,то лечение обычно комплексное (операция,химиотерапия,облучение). Насчет :
Цитата Marriia ()
Подскажите, имеет ли смысл проходить нам (родителям) HLA типирование с ребёнком? Подскажите, есть ли вариант родить ребёнка (при помощи ЭКО и на этапе эмбриона подобрать схожий по AB0 и HLA)?

то тут необходима генетическая консультация.
Uptodate пишет по этому поводу : ASSOCIATED CONGENITAL SYNDROMES — Wilms tumor is primarily a sporadic disease, and only 1 to 2 percent of individuals with Wilms tumor have a relative with the disease [10]. In approximately 10 percent of cases, Wilms tumor occurs as a part of a multiple malformation syndrome, including WAGR, Denys-Drash, and Beckwith-Wiedemann syndromes
Перед визитом к генетику.я вам дам некоторую подсказку.
В UPTODATE ,по генетике выложено то,что известно на сегодняшний день по генетике этого заболевания и я вам приведу полностью текст на языке оргигинала,английском.В основном вопрос стоит об мутации генов.Нужно определиться,какой ген и кого из родителей тут доминирует,список генов там указан,смотрите внимательно.
Genetics — Wilms tumor has been associated with loss of function mutations of a number of tumor suppressor and transcription genes. These include mutations of the WT1, p53, FWT1, and FWT2 genes, and at the 11p15.5 locus [26]. The role of these gene mutations in the pathogenesis of Wilms tumor remains unknown.

●WT1 gene – The WT1 gene is located on chromosome 11p13. The WT1 gene product is expressed in the developing kidney, testis, and ovary. It appears to play a role in the development and differentiation of genitourinary tissues. Mutations of the WT1 gene was the first identified genetic abnormality in children with Wilms tumor and was discovered in karyotypic analysis of children with WAGR syndrome [27]. The 11p13 deletion in WAGR syndrome encompasses several contiguous genes, including the WT1 and PAX 6 (associated with aniridia) genes. In contrast, patients with Denys-Drash syndrome have a point mutation in the eighth or ninth exon of the WT1 gene resulting in their clinical findings. Less than 10 percent of patients with sporadic Wilms tumor have a WT1 gene mutation, suggesting that other mechanisms are involved [28]. (See 'WAGR syndrome' above and 'Denys-Drash syndrome' above.)

●11p15.5 – The 11p15.5 locus (also referred to as the WT2 gene locus) contains a cluster of imprinted genes. Mutations at this locus have been identified in a number of syndromes characterized by either growth retardation or overgrowth, including Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome (BWS) [11,17,29]. Imprinted genes are those that demonstrate selective gene expression based upon parental origin, such that either the paternal or maternal-inherited gene copy is expressed, but not both. As an example, in patients with BWS, the maternal copy of the Beckwith-Wiedemann (BW) gene is silenced during gametogenesis and only the paternal copy is expressed. As a result, offspring with BWS receive a mutation passed from their father and those who inherit a BW gene mutation from their mother are asymptomatic carriers, who can pass the mutation to their offspring. Patients with BWS and 11p15 gene mutations are at increased risk for Wilms tumor [11,29]. (See "Inheritance patterns of monogenic disorders (Mendelian and non-Mendelian)", section on 'Parent-of-origin effects (imprinting)' and "Basic principles of genetic disease" and 'Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome' above.)

Somatic 11p15 defects have been found in Wilms tumor cells, perilobar nephrogenic rests associated with Wilms tumors, and some normal renal cells surrounding Wilms tumors suggesting 11p15 mutations may play an early role in nonsyndromic Wilms tumorigenesis [30]. In addition, one study demonstrated germline (constitutional) mutations in genes from this locus in the lymphocytes of 3 percent of nonsyndromic Wilms tumor patients (13 of 437 patients) and in one family with Wilms tumors [31]. No 11p15 defect was detected in the 220 controls. Patients with constitutional 11p15 defects compared with those without 11p15 mutations were more likely to have bilateral tumor involvement.

●p53 gene – The p53 tumor suppressor gene is located on chromosome 17p13.1. It encodes a nuclear protein, which acts as a transcription factor and blocks the progression of the cell cycle late in the G1 phase. P53 is the most commonly mutated gene in human cancer and is associated with a variety of malignancies including colorectal cancer, non-small cell lung cancer, osteosarcoma, and Ewing sarcoma. The p53 gene mutation is seen infrequently in patients with favorable histology tumors, but it is seen in approximately 75 percent of Wilms tumor with anaplastic histology [32]. In one study, p53 mutational status in patients with diffuse anaplasia was associated with increased risk of tumor recurrence and mortality [33].

●Familial WT genes – Familial Wilms tumor accounts for 1 to 2 percent of cases. The mode of inheritance appears to be autosomal dominant with variable penetrance. In these families, there is no association with the WT1 gene mutations. Linkages have been demonstrated to the FWT1 gene locus at 17q12-21 [34,35], the FWT2 gene locus at 19q13.3-q13.4, and at the 11p15.5 locus [36].

●Other potential gene mutations

•A genome-wide association study of 757 patients with Wilms tumor and 1879 controls identified 2p24 and 11q14 as genetic loci related with Wilms tumorigenesis [37]. Additional candidate predisposition loci included 5q14, 22q12, and Xp22.

•Genes identified as being mutated in Wilms tumor include WTX (classic oncogene) on the X chromosome and B-catenin (CTNNB1), although they occur either singly or in combination in only one-third of tumors [10].

•Mutations identified through whole genome and whole exome sequencing include those in microRNA processing genes, SIX1 and SIX2 homeodomain genes, and the MLLT1 gene [38,39].

It remains unknown whether the presence of any of the above genes associated with Wilms tumor affects response to therapy or is predictive of outcome.

Limited data suggest that patients with WT1 germline mutations have a poorer outcome. This was illustrated in one study from the International Society of Pediatric Oncology (SIOP) that demonstrated patients with WT1 germline mutations had an increased risk for bilateral involvement, second tumor events, and a poor response to initial chemotherapy [40]. The poor response correlated with stromal predominant tumors with rhabdomyomatous changes. However, further studies are needed before treatment stratification should be considered based upon the presence or absence of a WT1 germline mutation [41].

In addition, patients with 11p15.5 constitutional defects appear to be more likely to have bilateral involvement

Все в руках Всевышнего, кроме страха перед Всевышним
Дата: Пятница, 27.07.2018, 22:12 | Сообщение # 407
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Спасибо, теперь стало понятнее, Да, по поводу опухоли, протокол SIOP Umbrella, 6 недель до операции, 27 недель после, гистология пришла с тотальным некротизированным типом нефробластомы, локальная стадия 1, лечили по 3 стадии (винкристин, актиномицин, доксорубицин). Подскажите, к какому генетику лучше обратиться? или же можно свободно идти в частные клиники?
Дата: Пятница, 27.07.2018, 22:17 | Сообщение # 408
Группа: Врач
Сообщений: 4027
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Цитата Marriia ()
Подскажите, к какому генетику лучше обратиться?

Я не ориентируюсь в российской медицине .

Все в руках Всевышнего, кроме страха перед Всевышним
Дата: Пятница, 27.07.2018, 22:22 | Сообщение # 409
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Может вы обладаете ресурсами по статистике рецидивов опухоли, ибо статьи в российских мед журналах картину не объясняют.
Дата: Пятница, 27.07.2018, 22:45 | Сообщение # 410
Группа: Врач
Сообщений: 4027
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Репутация: 99

Survival rate — Overall five-year survival rates for Wilms tumor have steadily improved from 20 percent in the late 1960s to >90 percent in current era reports from the National Wilms Tumor Study /Children's Oncology Group (NWTS/COG), the International Society of Pediatric Oncology (SIOP), and other groups [14,39,47,83].

In a review of 6185 patients enrolled in the NWTS between 1969 and 1995, the overall survival rate was 84 percent through 2002 [84]. Causes of death included:

●Tumor-related – 86 percent

●Late effects of therapy – 9 percent

●Nontreatment or nondisease-related – 5 percent

●Unknown – 1 percent

Ninety-one percent of deaths occurred early within the first five years of diagnosis (n = 819) and were primarily due to the original tumor (94 percent). In contrast, the causes of the 159 late deaths were evenly distributed between the late effects of therapy (39 percent) and tumor-related mortality (40 percent).

Overall survival and event-free survival (EFS) rates vary among individuals and are dependent upon the tumor histology, stage, and size, and the age of the patient at diagnosis. Patients with very low risk tumors (ie, patients <24 months old with stage I favorable-histology tumors <550g) have the best prognosis with five-year overall survival rates ≥98 percent [51]. Patients with diffuse anaplastic tumor have the poorest prognosis with four-year EFS estimates of 83, 65, and 33 percent for stages II, III, and IV, respectively [9].

A summary of the outcomes of patients enrolled in NWTS trials is available through the National Cancer Institute website.

Survivors of childhood Wilms tumor are at increased risk of premature death during adulthood due to secondary neoplasms and other late complications (see 'Late effects' below). In the British Childhood Cancer Survivor Study, which included 1441 five-year survivors of Wilms tumor, the cumulative risk of death at 30 and 50 years from diagnosis was 5 and 23 percent, respectively [85]. Three-quarters of excess late deaths in this cohort were attributable to secondary neoplasms; cardiovascular disease accounted for the remainder.

Tumor recurrence — Recurrent disease occurs in approximately 15 percent of patients with favorable histology; however, among patients with anaplastic features, the risk of recurrence is nearly 50 percent [9]. Unfavorable histology is the most powerful prognostic factor associated with tumor recurrence [49,86,87]. Other risk factors include tumor size, tumor stage, age, and the presence of certain molecular markers. (See 'Prognostic factors' above.)

For patients with stage III disease, the risk of recurrence does not appear to differ according to stage III subtype [88]. Biopsy is thought to increase the risk of local recurrence by introducing tumor cells into the abdominal cavity. However, a study investigating this found that biopsy is not clearly associated with increased risk of local recurrence [86].

The majority of recurrences occur within the first two years of therapy. Recurrences most often involve the lung. Recurrence in the central nervous system is very rare [89].

Approximately 1 percent of children develop tumor in the contralateral kidney within six years after the initial diagnosis of Wilms tumor, with 90 percent occurring within the first two years [16,47]. The presence of nephrogenic rests (foci of persistent metanephric cells) places a child at increased risk for contralateral kidney recurrence [90]. (See "Presentation, diagnosis, and staging of Wilms tumor", section on 'Pathogenesis'.)

Patients who have recurrence of their tumor have post-relapse four-year survival rates of 50 to 80 percent [91,92]. In a study of children who relapsed after receiving two chemotherapeutic agents (vincristine and actinomycin D), salvage therapy (which included doxorubicin, cyclophosphamide, and radiation therapy) was associated with 82 percent overall survival and 71 percent EFS at four years [91]. In a study of children who relapsed after receiving initial therapy with vincristine, actinomycin D, doxorubicin, and radiation therapy, salvage therapy using an aggressive chemotherapy regimen (including cyclophosphamide and carboplatin along with surgery and radiation therapy) was associated with 48 percent overall survival and 42 percent EFS at four years [92].

In patients with recurrent tumor, the following prognostic factors are associated with favorable response to salvage therapy and improved outcome [14,93-95]:

●Relapse occurs more than 12 months after initial diagnosis

●Favorable histology of the initial tumor

●Low tumor stage of initial disease

●Initial treatment with only dactinomycin and vincristine

●Few pulmonary nodules

●No previous radiation to tumor bed

●Complete resection of original tumor

Все в руках Всевышнего, кроме страха перед Всевышним

Сообщение отредактировал D-r_Karlson - Пятница, 27.07.2018, 22:45
Дата: Пятница, 27.07.2018, 23:05 | Сообщение # 411
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Огромное спасибо!!!
Дата: Суббота, 28.07.2018, 16:36 | Сообщение # 412
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Добрый день! посетили генетика, вопросов и сложностей стало еще больше. Подскажите, как задать вопрос трансплантологу?
Дата: Суббота, 28.07.2018, 16:41 | Сообщение # 413
Группа: Врач
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Цитата Marriia ()
посетили генетика

Где,в каком месте,центре?И что генетик сказал?

Цитата Marriia ()
Подскажите, как задать вопрос трансплантологу?

С какой целью?Есть тема на форуму ,задайте вопрос туда. http://www.dr-denisov.ru/forum/25-5028-24

Все в руках Всевышнего, кроме страха перед Всевышним

Сообщение отредактировал D-r_Karlson - Суббота, 28.07.2018, 16:43
Дата: Воскресенье, 29.07.2018, 20:58 | Сообщение # 414
Виртуальная Сущность
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D-r_Karlson,здравствуйте! Вы когда-то писали на форуме о заменителях сахара. Пожалуйста, напомните, какой из них самый безопасный для здоровья. Спасибо большое заранее.
Дата: Воскресенье, 29.07.2018, 22:31 | Сообщение # 415
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Цитата Xenia ()
D-r_Karlson,здравствуйте! Вы когда-то писали на форуме о заменителях сахара. Пожалуйста, напомните, какой из них самый безопасный для здоровья. Спасибо большое заранее.

Мы обсуждали это здесь ,я подробно описывал. http://www.dr-denisov.ru/forum/25-7143-4 .Мое мнение с тех пор не изменилось, или Сукралоза или Стевия

Все в руках Всевышнего, кроме страха перед Всевышним
Дата: Воскресенье, 29.07.2018, 22:52 | Сообщение # 416
Виртуальная Сущность
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D-r_Karlson,спасибо большое еще раз за ваши рекомендации!Стевию не люблю, она дает горький привкус. Попробую сукралозу.
Дата: Воскресенье, 29.07.2018, 23:06 | Сообщение # 417
Виртуальная Сущность
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D-r_Karlson,а что вы скажете о сахарозаменителе Erythritol? У нас он продается в супермаркетах наряду со стевией.
Дата: Понедельник, 30.07.2018, 00:11 | Сообщение # 418
Группа: Врач
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Цитата Xenia ()
а что вы скажете о сахарозаменителе Erythritol?

According to a 2014 study,[12] erythritol functions as an insecticide toxic to the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster, impairing motor ability and reducing longevity even when nutritive sugars were available biggrin
Против Дрозофил хорошо вроде.Но по правде говоря,я не знаком с ним. Есть еще https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Splenda Спленда, это сукралоза измельченная в порошок и с какими то добавками и есть много любителей Спленды,считающие ее самой вкусной,особенно старые люди.
Этот вопрос ,какой из сахарозаменителей лучше, идеально было бы задать биохимику. Лет 5 назад я лечил одного профессора биохимии у себя в отделении,у него жена страдает диабетом,так он ей рекомендует исключительно только сукралозу и ничего больше.Это он мне и объяснил насет атомов хлора ,которые не расщепляются в желудке соляной кислотой (HCL) Может сейчас есть и что то более лучше и продвинутее на рынке,все ведь развивается
,биохимики это знают лучше врачей .

Все в руках Всевышнего, кроме страха перед Всевышним

Сообщение отредактировал D-r_Karlson - Понедельник, 30.07.2018, 00:13
Дата: Понедельник, 30.07.2018, 10:44 | Сообщение # 419
Виртуальная Сущность
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Цитата D-r_Karlson ()
as an insecticide toxic to the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster, impairing motor ability and reducing longevity
Да уж! Страшно есть такое.

Cпасибо за ответ. Я сахар не ем, но что-то нужно использовать при готовке. Поэтому ищу альтернативу.
Дата: Понедельник, 30.07.2018, 19:08 | Сообщение # 420
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Здравствуйте! Генетик в центре "мать и дитя", предложила снача сдать ХМА анализ ребёнку, посмотреть имела ли место спонтанная мутация или же наследственное заболевание вызвало Опухоль Вильмса. Сходили к трансплантологу, тот сказал, что пока ребёнок не "сядет на диализ", никакого типирования между родственниками проводить не нужно, если же типирование не выявит тканевой совместимости родственников с ребёнком, возможна пересадка трупной почки. Мои поиски места, где бы мне все-таки сделали типирование с ребёнком сейчас успеха не принесли, подскажите, где такое исследование возможно провести в Петербурге?

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